Mohammadreza Soltani
About me
I am currently a Ph.D. candidate in
Electrical and Computer engineering
department (ECpE) at Iowa State University (ISU). I am working as a research
assistant under the supervision of Dr. Chinmay Hegde.
I earned my first master degree in Electronics from Amirkabir Univesity of Technology, Tehran,
Iran and my second master degree in Telecommunication with
minor in math from University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), Ne, USA in
2011 and 2014, respectively.
My research interests broadly include Signal Processing, Machine Learning, Optimization,
and Wireless Communication Networks. Specifically, I am interested in understanding
the fundamental limits of different problems in signal processing and data science.
My google scholar
Ph.D. thesis, ECpE Department, ISU, Feb 2019.
M.Soltani, Provable algorithms for nonlinear models
in machine learning and signal processing.
- M.soltani, S. Jain, and A. Sambasivan, Learning
Generative Models of Structured Signals from Their
Superposition Using GANs with Application
to Denoising and Demixing, 2019.
- M. Soltani and C. Hegde, Fast Low-Rank Estimation for
Ill-Conditioned Matrices, International Symposium on
Information Theory (ISIT), June 2018.
- M. Soltani and C.Hegde, Fast and Provable Algorithms
for Learning Two-Layer Polynomial Neural Networks.
- M. Soltani and C. Hegde, Towards Provable Learning of
Polynomial Neural Networks Using Low-Rank Matrix Estimation,
Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTAT), April 2018.
(Oral Presentation)
- M. Soltani and C. Hegde, Fast Low-Rank Matrix
Estimation without the Condition Number, Dec 2017.
- M. Soltani and C. Hegde, Towards Provable Learning of
Polynomial Neural Networks Using Low-Rank Matrix Estimation, NIPS Workshop On Deep Learning:
Bridging Theory and Practice (DLP), Dec 2017
- M. Soltani and C. Hegde, Demixing Structured Superposition Signals from
Periodic and Aperiodic Nonlinear Observations, IEEE GlobalSIP
Symposium on Sparse Signal Processing and Deep Learning, Nov 2017.
- V. Shah, M. Soltani, and C. Hegde, Reconstruction from
Periodic Nonlinearities, with Applications to HDR Imaging,
Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Nov 2017.
- M.Soltani and C. Hegde, Improved Algorithms for Matrix Recovery from Rank-One
Projections, poster presentation in Midwest Machine Learning
Symposium (MMLS), May 2017. (Winner of the best poster award)
- M. Soltani and C. Hegde, Fast Algorithms for Learning
Latent Variables in Graphical Models, ACM KDD Mining and Learning
With Graphs (KDD MLG), Aug 2017.
- M. Soltani and C. Hegde,
Fast Algorithms for Demixing Sparse Signals from Nonlinear Observations,
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 65, no. 16,
p4209-4222, Aug 2017.
- M. Soltani and C. Hegde, Stable Recovery from Random Sinusoidal
Feature Maps, International Conference on Acoustics,
Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), March 2017.
- M. Soltani and C. Hegde, Iterative Thresholding
for Demixing Structured Superpositions in High Dimensions,
NIPS Workshop on Learning in High Dimensions with Structure (LHDS),
December 2016.(Oral presentation; acceptance rate: 2/50)
- M. Soltani and C. Hegde, A Fast iterative Algorithm for Demixing Sparse Signals
from Nonlinear Observations, IEEE GlobalSIP Symposium on Compressed Sensing and Deep Learning,
Dec 2016. (pdf)
- M. Soltani and C. Hegde, Demixing sparse
signals from nonlinear observations. Asilomar Conference on Signals,
Systems, and Computers,, Nov. 2016.
- M. Soltani, M. Hempel, and H. Sharif, Utilization of
convex optimization for data fusion-driven sensor management in WSNs,
International Wireless Communications and Mobile
Computing Conference (IWCMC), 2015.
- M. Soltani, M. Hempel, and H. Sharif, Data fusion utilization for optimizing large-scale wireless sensor networks
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2014.
- M. Maadani, A. Motamedi, and M. Soltani, EDCA Delay Analysis of Spatial Multiplexing in IEEE802. 11-Based Wireless Sensor
and Actuator Networks, International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 3, May 2012.
- M. Soltani, A novel Tunable Opportunistic Routing Protocol for WSN Applications.
Amirkabir University of Technology, Technical Report, 2012. (pdf)
- M. Maadani, S. A. Motamedi, and M. Soltani, “Delay Analysis of
MIMO-Enabled IEEE 802.11-Based Soft-Real-Time Wireless Sensor and
Actuator Networks”, Dela, vol. 150,
p200, 2011.
- M. Soltani, A. Motamedi, S. Ahmadi, and M. Maadani, Power-Aware and Void-Avoidant Routing Protocol
for Reliable Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks, International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking
and Mobile Computing (WiCOM), 2011.
Talk and poster presentation
- M. Soltani and C. Hegde Improved Algorithms for Matrix Recovery
from Rank-One Projections, Midwest Machine Learning Symposium, Chicago, May 2017.
"Winner of the Best Poster Award"
- M. Soltani and C. Hegde, Nonlinear demixing problem, Park City Mathematics Institute (PCMI),
July 2016.
- M. Soltani, M. Hempel, H. Sharif, Data Fusion Utilization for
Large-Scale Dynamic WSN Management, Poster presentation in UNL Research Fair, May 2014.
Teaching experience
T.A. at ISU, Fall 2017.
T.A. at ISU, 2015.
T.A. at UNL, Fall 2014.
Private tutor, Iran 2013.
Contact Information
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department (ECpE)
3201 Coover Hall,
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50010, USA