Project Title: Electromagnetic Modeling and Simulations
Project Description: Model, design, and measure microstrip antennas and other RF components
Anticipated Student Tasks and Responsibilities: The student will set up the measurement system with the network analyzer (hardware and software), design microstrip antennas and other RF components like microstrip transmission lines, capacitors, inductors, etc., and stimulate and measure those devices.
Qualifications: The student should have a background in microwave and antennas. Student participants must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or its possessions.
Appropriate Student Majors or Programs: Electrical Engineering (EE)
Hours of Work Offered Per Week: 11-15
Undergraduate Research Assistant Position For: Spring only
Paid or Unpaid: Paid
Professor: Jiming Song
How to Apply: Contact the professor directly to apply for this undergraduate research position.
Deadline to Apply: No deadline