Power Seminar Series with Anamika Dubey: Distribution System Resilience: Modeling and Optimization


October 15, 2024    
1:10 pm - 2:00 pm

Event Type

This is an ONLINE only Seminar!

Title: Distribution System Resilience: Modeling and Optimization

Abstract: With rapid decarbonization goals and ambitious urban electrification targets, the electric power grid is undergoing unprecedented changes. The proliferation of distributed energy resources and flexible loads is pushing the control and operational requirements of the grid to the edge, thus significantly increasing the scale and complexity of grid operations. These grid-edge resources also hold the potential to support grid resilience in the aftermath of extreme weather events, which are impacting grid more often and with higher severity. The changing nature of the grid and extreme weather events motivate new mechanisms to manage grid operations by leveraging smart grid technologies. In this talk, we will introduce the approach to model and quantify the impacts of extreme weather events on the power distribution grid and discuss planning and operational solutions to improve the distribution grid resilience.

Biography: Dr. Anamika Dubey is Huie-Rogers Endowed Chair Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering in the School of EECS at Washington State University (WSU), Pullman. She also holds a joint appointment as a Research Scientist at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), and currently serves as the Co-director for the WSU-PNNL Advanced Grid Institute (AGI). She received her MSE and Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 2012 and 2015, respectively. Her research focuses on the scalable integration of cross-domain models and data to provide better decision support for increasingly complex electric power grids. Currently, her lab is actively working on climate change adaptation solutions for the power grid via hazard modeling, risk-averse planning, and distributed operations. She is a recipient of the National Science Foundation CAREER Award (2019) and the IEEE PES Outstanding Young Engineer Award (2023).

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