English Proficiency

English Placement Test

The English Placement Test, which is given at the beginning of the spring, summer II and fall semesters, is to determine whether ISU students whose native language is NOT English are proficient enough in English to meet the requirements at Iowa State University.

Graduate students who already have a degree from an accredited four-year college or university within the US are not required to take the English Placement Test. It is required, however, that you fill out Request for the Graduate College to Approve the Graduate English Requirement for a Student Whose Native Language is NOT English (PDF) and submit it to the Graduate College, 1137 Pearson, in order to be certified.

The Testing Schedule is listed on the Department of English website. Attached is a PDF with guidelines and contact information if you have questions about the English Placement Test (PDF).


New international graduate teaching assistants are also required to take a SPEAK/TEACH examination before beginning their assigned duties. The link listed below will take you to the University SPEAK/TEACH site listing registration and testing dates. In addition, the Teaching Assistant Handbook contains useful information and we strongly encourage you to review this material.

  • SPEAK/TEACH is a required examination for international Teaching Assistants.