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Virtual Power Seminar with Dakota Hamilton


Tuesday, April 01 2025 from 1:10pm to 2:00pm

Virtual Seminar Only!!

Title: Optimization-Based Operational Strategies for Enhancing Grid Reliability and Resilience 

Abstract: The safe and reliable delivery of electricity is critical for the functioning of our modern society. However, the proliferation of (distributed) renewable energy sources, electrification of heating, cooling, and transportation sectors, and the rise of data center loads are causing increased stress on electric power system infrastructure. Furthermore, high-impact catastrophic events (such as extreme weather caused by climate change, or cyber-physical attacks) pose an ever-growing threat to the grid. At the same time, modern advancements in computational capabilities, communication infrastructure, and measurement technologies provide opportunities for new operation and control strategies that can enhance the reliability and resilience of electric power systems.

In this talk, I will discuss recent efforts to improve the reliability and resilience of electric distribution systems through optimization-based operational approaches. The first approach introduces a framework for coordinating the control of inverter-interfaced distributed energy resources to operate intact sections of a damaged feeder as “ad-hoc” microgrids. The second approach proposes a model predictive control architecture for simultaneously managing transformer temperatures and voltage constraints in distribution networks with high solar PV penetration. Finally, I will conclude my talk by discussing ongoing work to apply and demonstrate these methods in real distribution networks in Vermont. 

Bio: Dr. Dakota Hamilton is a research associate in the Department of Electrical and Biomedical Engineering at University of Vermont (UVM). His research combines power systems engineering, dynamics and control theory, and optimization across a wide range of timescales with the goal of enabling future energy systems that are affordable, sustainable, reliable, resilient, and equitable. Dakota received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering in 2023 and Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (B.S.E.E.) degree in 2019, both from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA.

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