These resources are gathered to assist graduate students who are new to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Questions can be directed to

Note on Dates: The dates for the events listed here will be updated between 15 and 30 days prior to the start of classes.

Planning Your Arrival in Ames 

Getting Started at ISU

Register for Classes

  • If you have one, please meet with your major professor to discuss courses to fit your focus of study.
  • ECpE Advising Sessions for New Graduate Students – required for all new ECpE grad students (including both BS/MS concurrent and Cyber Security students)
    Meet with an ECpE graduate advisor to learn about course registration and program of study requirements. The same content will be provided in multiple sessions; you need to attend only one advising session. Registration information for these sessions will be sent to students from the ECpE Graduate Admissions Coordinator.
  • All first-semester graduate students (including BS/Masters Concurrent students) must register for Cpr E / E E 598: Graduate Student Learning Seminar.
  • If a reference number for a course is listed as “See Dept for Reference Number”, ask for assistance from the staff in ECpE Student Services, 1212 Coover Hall.
  • Students on assistantship must take a minimum of 9 credit hours each semester.
  • ECpE Course Lists with F22 availability
  • ECpE Program of Study Requirements
  • ECpE Graduate Guidelines and Procedures
  • ISU Schedule of Classes
  • ISU Course Catalog (for course descriptions)
  • Academic Calendars: semester dates and university holidays

For Students on Assistantship

  • If you have a graduate assistantship position, you will receive email notification regarding your required action in the ISU Workday system. If you do not receive a notification email, login to Workday with your ISU netID to view your Workday notifications directly.
  • In Workday, you will enter your contact information and complete the I-9 Form. International students will also work with the International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO, 3248 Memorial Union) to complete your employment verification.
  • Also in Workday, you will manage your payment and tax withholding elections, along with required training.
  • Your Graduate College Tuition Scholarship credit will be applied to your university bill as soon as possible.
    • On AccessPlus, check “Yes” to authorize aid release.
    • If your U-Bill comes due prior to the availability of the scholarship credit, consider paying the minimum amount due, which will automatically enroll you in the Deferred Billing Plan (additional charges may apply).
  • Student Health Benefits – Students with graduate assistantships are automatically enrolled in the Students and Scholars Health Insurance Program (SSHIP). At the start of the semester, you may elect to add-on enrollment for dental coverage or for your dependents.

ECpE Department Information

  • ECpE Graduate Advisors can assist with advice on courses, program requirements, and almost anything else.
    • Vicky Thorland-Oster and Tony Moore are the ECpE graduate advisors.
    • Walk-In Sessions are occasionally available for brief conversations (5-10 minutes).
    • Appointments are available for more in-depth conversations (about 30 minutes).
    • Inquire about meeting availability for Vicky and Tony in ECpE Student Services, 1212 Coover Hall.
  • ECpE Computer Services – Each student is automatically set up with a computer account available for use in labs across the Engineering College. This account includes printing.
  • Department Email List – is a mailing list of currently enrolled ECpE graduate students. The ECpE Student Services staff post notices here about new course offerings and important Graduate College and Registrar deadlines. It is the student’s responsibility to read these emails and to meet deadlines. If you do not start receiving Electron List email by the first Friday of the fall semester, please email to be added to the list.
  • Mailboxes – All graduate students have assigned mailboxes in ECpE Student Services, 1212 Coover Hall. Even if your research area maintains a mailbox for you, please check your departmental mailbox at least once a week. These mailboxes are for official university mail only.
  • The Graduate College’s Center for Communication Excellence offers free individual consultations with graduate writing consultants. Students working on their thesis or dissertation, journal article, research proposal, conference paper, poster presentation, etc. can make appointments with Disciplinary, Interdisciplinary, and English Writing Consultants. Students can also join graduate peer review groups, attend seminars and workshops, and access various other resources.
  • Travel Information for either professional or personal leave:
    • Absence Request Form: Students who want to leave campus for either professional or personal leave must seek approval from the major professor and department prior to departure.
    • Grants for Professional Travel: The ECpE Department provides limited travel support for students who are presenting at a conference. And the Graduate and Professional Student Senate also supports professional travel through Professional Advancement Grants (PAG). Apply for these opportunities several weeks in advance of travel.
  • Room assignments and office access:
    • All registered ECpE graduate students will automatically get access to the exterior doors of Coover Hall (via ISUCard). This access will be available only after the 10th day of classes.
    • For students with a major professor: ask your major professor for a list of rooms for which you should have access. Request access at the ECpE Key Access Database. In the comments box provide: name of major professor, degree sought (MEng, MS, PhD), anticipated date of graduation.
    • For students who do NOT have a major professor: request access at the ECpE Key Access Database to the Grad Student Office Space – 3209 Coover Hall. In the comments box provide: degree sought (MEng, MS, PhD), anticipated date of graduation.

Campus Resources

Visit Cyclone Support for student support resources.