
Fall 2021: ISU EE 590H (Graduate) Introduction to Wide Bandgap Semiconductors

Spring 2021: ISU EE 332 (Undergraduate) Semiconductor Materials and Devices

Fall 2020: ISU EE 535 (Graduate) Semiconductor Physics

Fall 2019: ASU EEE 531 (Graduate) Semiconductor Device Theory, Lecturer for Prof. Y. Zhao

Group News

01/2022—Dinusha’s paper on Ga2O3/GaN heterojunction p-n diodes was accepted to IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society. Congratulations!

11/2021—Dawei’s paper on designing delta-doped AlGaO/GaO HEMTs was accepted to IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. Congratulations!

07/2021—Our comprehensive review papers (Part I and Part II) on vertical GaN power devices are published in Transactions on Electron Devices!

04/2021—Our review paper on selective area doping and regrowth for vertical GaN power devices is accepted to Materials Today (Impact Factor: 26.416), which is one of the most highly respected sources of news and reviews in materials science. Congratulations!


CONTACT: Dr. Houqiang Fu

Email: houqiang@iastate.edu

Address: Coover Hall
2520 Osborn Drive
Ames, IA 50011