Kristi (Gavin) Schettler

…around the world reduce their energy consumption! How Iowa State impacted my career: Iowa State provided me with the education and opportunities that I needed to become a successful computer…

Howard O. Lorenzen

…guided missiles. He also helped develop America’s first portable radar equipment. His electronic countermeasures research after World War II helped immensely during the Cold War, where his ideas were used…

Mani Venkata

…dean of Clarkson University’s Wallace H. Coulter School of Engineering. He left that position in 2005 to become vice president and executive consultant for KEMA, a world-renowned business and technical…

Materials, Devices, and Circuits

…area) Meng Lu (secondary area) Mani Mina Nathan Neihart Santosh Pandey (secondary area) Joseph Shinar (Physics Department) Ruth Shinar Jiming Song (group chair) Costas Soukoulis (Physics Department) Gary Tuttle Materials,…

Student Organizations

…of Iowa. Engineering Student Council Engineers’ Week Freshmen Leaders in Engineering (FLiE) ISU Solar Decathalon National Society of Black Engineers Sales Engineering Club Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) International Society…
