Careers in Electrical and Computer Engineering

…smart power grid—so its day-to-day services are not interrupted. Computer engineers work in almost every industry—from health care and gaming to banking and online shopping. COMPUTER ENGINEERS: Improve Internet security…

PHD Production 2010-12

…measurement based load modeling and demand side control methods for fault induced delayed voltage recovery mitigation Silveira Leonardi, Bruno Investigation of Novel Methodologies Using Reactive Power Reserves for Online Voltage…

DARS Audit and Registration Access Numbers

…is generated from the student’s permanent record indicating met and unmet course requirements. This tool is intended to assist the student and advisor during registration and advising sessions. This is…

2008-09 Distinguished Lecture Series

…with Mark Miller: Industry Adoption of IEEE Std. 2800 10 Sep September 10, 2024     1:10 pm – 2:00 pm 3043 ECpE Bldg Addition EPRC Seminars Events Seminars Title: Industry Adoption…

Faculty Admin and Committee List

I. Administrative Committee The Administrative Committee membership is appointed by the Department Chair to assist the Department Chair in carrying out the administrative duties.   Members ( Department Chair Associate…

Dr. Ashfaq Khokhar: Professional Experience

…Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, USA 2/10- current President and CTO Video Analytica, Inc., Woodridge, IL, USA ( 8/14 – Adjunct Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,…

ECpE Department receives major external research awards

…Mani Mina, Sarah Rajala, Sarah Rodriguez, Diane Rover and Mack Shelley as Co-PIs. For more information on grants received during the months of July through September, visit this link:….


…October 15, 2024 1:10 pm – 2:00 pm This is an ONLINE only Seminar! More Info Graduate Seminar with Rahmat Adesunkanmi: October 16, 2024 1:10 pm – 2:00 pm 3043…

Why Join Iowa State’s ECpE Department

…Fellows, 2 American Physical Society Fellows, and 1 American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow 9 endowed professorships and chairs State-of-the-art facilities With our new $16.5 million addition to…
