ECpE Department receives major external research awards

…called “Novel Light Extraction and Utilization, Organic LED (OLED) Core Technology Research: Enhanced Light Extraction from Low Cost White OLEDs (WOLEDs) Fabricated on Novel Patterned Substrates,” with Ruth Shinar as…

2008-09 Distinguished Lecture Series

…1:10 PM – Power Seminar Series with Mohit Singh: Impacts of FERC Order 2222 on Transmission Studies and Processes. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1:10 PM – Power…

Yong Guan

          Yong Guan     CREATOR OF TECHNOLOGY TO COMBAT ONLINE AUCTION FRAUD In the beginning: If Associate Professor Yong Guan hadn’t begun his master’s program…


…(e.g. coal or natural gas for thermal power plants). At the same time, the cost of meeting those reciprocal demands has an impact on final prices for energy and transportation….


Various power generation and fuel technologies are evaluated based upon the following metrics: Capital Cost Operating Cost Energy Efficiency Emissions Reliability Lead/Lag Time Life Time A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)…

Registration for Classes

Registering for classes sometimes can be overwhelming. Iowa State offers several online tools to help you plan your schedule, including the Schedule Planner, which helps eliminate conflicts between times of…

Undergraduate Degree Programs

…program and computer engineering program are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, Undergraduate majors Undergraduate minors Concurrent bachelor’s/master’s degree programs Majors The Department of Electrical and Computer…

Careers in Electrical and Computer Engineering

…smart power grid—so its day-to-day services are not interrupted. Computer engineers work in almost every industry—from health care and gaming to banking and online shopping. COMPUTER ENGINEERS: Improve Internet security…
