With the ever-expanding capabilities of cyber-physical systems—data and sensor technologies; communications, social, biological and other networked systems; and information and decision sciences, the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECpE) recognizes that Data, Decisions, Networks and Autonomy play fundamental roles in designing complex engineering systems.

Number of (semi)-autonomous, heterogeneous, distributed, collaborative entities interacting across networks/grids through corpus of noisy, incomplete, real-time/streaming/historical data, signals and dynamics requires advances at the interplay of Data, Decisions, Networks, and Autonomy Sciences.

Advancements in these areas promise accurate and optimized sensing, data and information processing, communications and networking, decisions and autonomy, and Iowa State researchers aim to be on the cutting-edge of such advancements.

Faculty Expertise

Graduate Student Research Focus Areas

Research in this strategic area also encompasses graduate study in electrical and computer engineering.