ECpE Research Highlights Seminar with Colleen Josephson: Wireless Communication and Sensing for a Greener Future


September 13, 2023    
9:00 am - 10:00 am


2222 Conference Room
Coover Hall, Ames, IA, 50011

Event Type

Title: Wireless communication and sensing for a greener future

Abstract: We need affordable and innovative sensing to assist in tackling global-scale problems like sustainably feeding the next billion. This talk explores how we can enable robust indoor/outdoor sensing by leveraging advances in low-power embedded systems. It will describe the challenges faced in low-power and sustainable sensor networks, and provide an overview of an outdoor radar backscatter sensing system that uses RF to measure soil moisture with accuracy comparable to state-of-the-art commercial sensors, but at a fraction of the cost. Also to be discussed is recent work on renewably powering outdoor sensor systems via energy harvested from non-traditional sources like microbes.

Bio: Colleen Josephson is an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and faculty affiliate at the Center for Agroecology at UC Santa Cruz. Her research focuses on wireless sensing systems to enable and improve sustainable practices, and her contributions include designing novel sensing paradigms for agriculture, inventing techniques for ultra-low power communication in indoor sensor networks, and exploiting non-traditional energy sources, such as microbes, for sustainable sensing. She is an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on AgriFood Electronics, and on the steering committee for HotCarbon, the ACM Workshop on Sustainable Computer Systems. Colleen completed her PhD in Electrical Engineering at Stanford University, and was formerly a Senior Research Scientist at VMware where she chaired/co-chaired two working groups in the ATIS Next G Alliance, and served as an organization lead in the Green Software Foundation. Her honors and awards include being named a 2022 FFAR New Innovator in Food and Agriculture, a 2022 N2Women Rising Star in Networking and Communications, and a 2020 Rising Star in EECS.

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