Title: Analysis of Electromagnetic Periodic Structures in Layered Medium
Speaker: Kun Chen, ECpE Graduate Student
Advisor: Jiming Song, Associate Professor
Abstract: Electromagnetic periodic structures in layered medium find many engineering applications such as frequency selective surfaces, photonic crystal slabs, metamaterials, reflectarray antennas and interconnects for 3D integrated circuits. To have a good understanding of their properties, and hence good designs, it is essential to perform scattering or eigenvalue analysis for these structures. Among various approaches, the method of moments (MoM) solution to integral equations is very appealing for its high accuracy and capability to solve large and complex problems. Here we study two types of periodic structures in layered medium in the frame of MoM: singly and doubly. For singly periodic structures, modal relationships between some canonical structures are revealed, and the wave behavior is examined; For doubly periodic structures, an accurate and efficient algorithm is presented to compute the response due to a dipole source.