Power Seminar Series with Hong Chen: Overview of Electricity Market Operation


September 17, 2024    
1:10 pm - 2:00 pm

Event Type

This is an ONLINE only Seminar!

Title: Overview of Electricity Market Operation

Abstract: Electricity markets are functioning around the world. This talk will cover fundamentals of wholesale electricity market operation, focusing on integrated power system and electricity market operation, using PJM market as an example. Hot topics, such as uncertainty, renewable challenges, and extreme weather operation, will also be discussed.

Bio: Dr. Hong Chen is a Principal Engineer at PJM. She is a well-known practitioner on electricity market and power grid operation risk mitigation. In the past two decades, she led the development of many power grid control room applications that have achieved billions of dollars’ savings in energy markets. Following her passion for technology innovation, Dr. Chen also serves as an industry advisor for many R&D projects at National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, and Power Systems Engineering Research Center.

Dr. Chen, an IEEE Fellow, has been actively leading IEEE PES Technical Activities at various capacity for the past decades as Chair of Task Forces and Technical Committee, and the Technical Council. During her tenure as Vice President of Technical Activities at the PES from 2022 to 2023, she oversaw all 21 Technical Committees’ activities in Power and Energy Society and provided guidance on PES General Meeting technical programs. She has been leading PES Technical Roadmap Task Force and published “IEEE Power and Energy Technology Assessment and Roadmap” in July 2024. Dr. Chen received 2024 IEEE PES Wanda Reder Pioneer in Power Award, “For contributions in leading strategic technology development in PES and power grid operation.”  Currently, she is the candidate for IEEE Division VII Director-Elect.  You can View Hong’s candidate biographical information.

She obtained her Bachelor degree in 1992 and Master degree in 1995, from Southeast University in China, and her Ph.D. degree in 2002 from University of Waterloo in Canada. Prior to joining PJM in 2007, she worked at ISO New England as Principal Analyst in Market Design and at NARI on EMS applications.

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