Power Seminar Series with Robin Allen: YIMBY Transmission


November 5, 2024    
1:10 pm - 2:00 pm


3043 ECpE Bldg Addition
Coover Hall, Ames, Iowa, 50011

Event Type

 Title: YIMBY Transmission 

Abstract: It’s no secret that objections by stakeholders have effectively blocked a number of proposed high voltage transmission lines, e.g. the Rock Island Clean Line (IA-IL, 2018), the Plains & Eastern Clean Line (Ok-AR-TN, 2018) and the Northern Pass Transmission Line (CN-NH, 2019).  Perhaps less well known are significant stakeholder-developer negotiations which have allowed developers to overcome significant stakeholder objections.  In this presentation, Robin Allen will discuss not only some successful stakeholder/developer negotiations, but will also put forward the notion of stakeholder-driven transmission, where, under some circumstances, communities may wish to proactively seek out transmission developers to host lines, based on the desire for attractive co-located infrastructure and/or benefits from the lines themselves, such as lower prices and better reliability.

Bio: Robin Allen is a Senior Fellow with the Niskanen Center Climate group.  Her research focuses on consent-based siting for high-capacity electric transmission lines, and in particular on potential stakeholder strategic initiatives fostering transmission lines in a mutually advantageous way for stakeholders and transmission developers. From 1983 to 2022, Allen was an economist with the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice, where she analyzed the economic effects of mergers and civil non-mergers, many involving the electric power, healthcare or software industries.  She has testified as an expert economic witness in U.S. District Court and at a U.S. Department of Agriculture hearing and has provided antitrust training for a number of international bodies, including the Andean Community Competition Authorities, the Ukrainian Anti-Monopoly Committee and the ASEAN Nations Expert Group on Competition.  She is a co-author of the 2022 DOJ/FTC Comment to FERC on its Notice of Public Rulemaking on Transmission. Allen holds a Ph.D in Economics from Northwestern University and was a Kramer Antitrust Fellow at the University of Chicago Law School.

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