Student Advisory Committee

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECpE) Student Advisory Committee (SAC) at Iowa State University is a group of electrical, computer, software, and cyber security engineering students currently enrolled in an undergraduate EE, CprE, Cyb E, or SE program of study at Iowa State who are interested in the vitality of the ECpE department. The committee is a consultant to the ECpE department chair to strengthen the department’s undergraduate academic and outreach programs, improve its facilities usage for undergraduate teaching and research, and expand its available support to current students and future alumni. SAC members actively participate in the continual assessment of the department’s progress and the development of policies and activities pertaining to the undergraduate experience in the department.

SAC members actively assist in recruiting new members, as well. The committee serves at the discretion of the ECpE department chair.

Apply to be part of the SAC

There is a rolling acceptance for student applications.

Additional SAC information

Email to submit comments or concerns to the Student Advisory Committee.

Student Advisory Committee Standing Members

  • IEEE Student Chapter

  • Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) Student Chapter

  • Digital Women

  • Software Engineering

  • Engineering Student Council

  • Member(s)-At-Large

  • Cyclone Amateur Radio Club (CARC)