
Summary/Abstract (problem definition, papers to read):    October 14 (Friday) by 5pm

Please show me the papers (email them or bring them over to me) before you finally decide which ones to read. Plan ahead accordingly.

Part I:                                                                                     October 31 (Monday) by 5pm

Will schedule time for Part I talks

Part II:                                                                                    December 7 (Wednesday) by 5pm

Part II talks on December 5 & 7


Evaluation:     30% for each part

Part I - report + talk + answering questions

Part II  - complete report (including part I updated based on experiments/questions in class) +results + code + talk + answering questions

        Report size  LESS than 10 pages, single space, single column. Margins as small as you like!

Part I should consist of

- Problem definition: a short clear mathematical statement of problem and assumptions and also an intuitive explanation of what you want to do

- Literature survey: either stressing on different approaches for one application or different applications for a few approaches or a combination of both.

- Algorithms (2-3 algorithms) that you plan to implement

Part II should consist of

- Updated algorithms  (that you implemented): enough details so if someone wants, they can re-implement the method

- Responses to Questions asked in Part I talk

- Results of experiments, discussion, conclusions: images/plots, why you got what you got, what can you infer from it, you may want to change some of what you said in Part I based on what you learnt when you implemented the algorithms)

- Possible Future Work

- Soft copy of your code

- 20 minute talk  + 5-10 minutes of questions