Go to http://www.cs.otago.ac.nz/research/vision/Research/OpticalFlow/opticalflow.html

- Choose 2 videos

- Implement either of Horn-Schunck [1] or Least Mean Square Error (LMSE) for evaluating optical flow and generate optical flow results

- Interpret the results - tell me what optical flow you are getting and why.

- Compare with ground truth of optical flow.

- EXTRA: Make a uniform intensity disc. Apply a rotation to each pixel to generate the second image. Evaluate optical flow.

- Put the optical flow and the interpretation on your webpage and send me the link. Or come to office hours and explain what you understood (if you are lazy to write).

You can work in GROUPS of TWO, but then you have to implement both Horn-Schunk and LMSE and do 3 videos

DUE:  Try to do this in 1.5 weeks from now,  due September 12. If you download any code, you need to acknowledge the person/website in your report.


[1] B. K. P. Horn and B. G. Schunk. Determining optical flow. Artificial Intelligence, 17:185--203, 1981.