Title: Analysis of diversity and multiplexing
tradeoff for
multi-antenna systems with covariance feedback
Boche, H. Jorswieck, E.
Speaker: Peng Yu
This paper
appears in: Vehicular Technology Conference,
2002. Proceedings. VTC 2002-Fall. 2002 IEEE 56th
Abstract: We
study a single-user multi-antenna system with perfect channel state
(CSI) at the receiver and imperfect CSI at the transmitter. The common
transmission model is assumed with one or more uncorrelated receive
and correlated transmit antennas. Zheng and Tse (see IEEE Transactions
Information Theory, Jan., 2002) discussed the tradeoff between
advantage and multiplexing gain for the asymptotic high SNR regime. At
low and
mid-range SNR values the connection between the multiplexing gain and
is not cleared. We extend our results for the optimal power allocation
and MIMO systems with covariance feedback in order to characterize the
multiplexing gain in small and mid-range SNR regions. We give
results for the case in which the optimal transmit covariance matrix
has rank 1
the equivalent to the multiplexing gain. In addition to this, we
discuss the
outage capacity and its optimization for the MISO and MIMO case. We
provide an
asymptotic result for the outage probability which enables us to
measure the
impact of correlation on the outage probability.