Under Review

    Subhrajit Sinha and U. Vaidya, On Information Transfer and Phase Transition in Dynamical System, Submitted for Publication in Conference.
    U. Vaidya, Stochastic Stability Analysis of Discrte-time System Using Lyapunov Measure, Submitted for Publication in Journal.
    S. Sinha, B. Huang, and U. Vaidya, Robust approximation of Koopman operator and prediction in random dynamical systems, Under review for publication in Journal.
    H. Sharma, U. Vaidya, and B. Ganapathaysubramanian, Estimating Contaminant Distribution from Finite Sensor Data : Perron Frobenious Operator and Ensemble Kalman Filtering, Under review for publication in Journal.
    S. Sinha, P. Sharma, U. Vaidya and V. Ajjarapu, On Information Transfer Based Characterization ofPower System Stability, Under review for publication in Journal.
    K. Ebrahimi, U. Vaidya, and N. Elia, On Distributed Adversarial Robust Learning via the Subgradient Method, Under review for publication in conference.
    H. Sharma, U. Vaidya, and B. Ganapathaysubramanian, A Transfer Operator Methodology for Optimal Sensor Placement Accounting for Uncertainty, Under review for publication in Journal.
    U. Vaidya and N. Elia, Limitation for nonlinear stabilization over packet- drop links, Submitted for publication in Journal.
    S. Sinha, P. Sharma, U. Vaidya, and V. Ajjarapu, On Information Transfer Based Characterization of Power System Stability, Submitted for Publication in Journal.
    B. Huang, X. Ma, and U. Vaidya, Data-Driven Feedback Stabilization Using Koopman Operator, Submitted as Book Chapter.


    A. Diwadkar and U. Vaidya, Synchronization in large scale nonlinear network with uncertain links, Accepted for publication in Automatica.
    K. Ebrahimi, N. Elia, U. Vaidya, On Continuous time dynamical system approach for robust optimization, Accepted for publication in European Control Conference.
    B. Huang and X. Ma and U. Vaidya, Optimal Quadratic Regualtion of Nonlinear System using Koopman Operator, Accepted for Publication in American Control Conference.
    H. Sharma, U. Vaidya, B. Ganapathysubramanian, Transfer Operator Based Approach for Estimating After Release Contaminant Distribution in Indoor Environment, Accepted for publication in American Control Conference.
    Yongxin Chen and U. Vaidya, Sample Complexity of Nonlinear System, Accepted for Publication in American Control Conference.
    X. Ma, A. Singhal, U. Vaidya, N. Elia and V. Ajjarapu, Optimal Voltage Regulation of Distribution System with Renewable Uncertainty, Accepted for Publication in American Control Conference.


    K. Ebrahimi, U. Vaidya, and N. Elia, Robust Convex Optimization via Priaml-Dual Gradient Dynamical Systems, Part II: Distributed Implementation, Accepted for Publication in IEEE Control and Decision Conference.
    K. Ebrahimi, U. Vaidya, and N. Elia, Robust Convex Optimization via Priaml-Dual Gradient Dynamical Systems, Part I: Fundamentals, Accepted for Publication in IEEE Control and Decision Conference.
    Xu Ma, U. Vaidya, and N. Elia, Solving Robust AC-OPF via Primal-Dual Gradient Dynamics, Accepted for Publication in IEEE Control and Decision Conference.
    S. Pushpak, A. Diwadkar, and U. Vaidya, Mean Square Stability-based Analysis and Synthesis of Continuous-Time Linear Network Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
    Subhrajit Sinha, Bowen Huang and U. Vaidya, Robust approximation of Koopman operator and prediction in random dynamical systems, Proceedings of American Control Conference, 2018.
    B. Huang, Xu Ma, and U. Vaidya, Feedback stabilization using Koopman operator, Accepted for Publication in IEEE Control and Decision Conference, 2018.
    A. Das, B. Huang, and U. Vaidya, Data-driven optimal control using transfer operators, Accepted for Publication in IEEE Control and Decision Conference.
    Subhrajit Sinha and U. Vaidya, Data-driven approach for inferencing causality and network topology, Porceedings of American Control Conference, 2018.
    Himanshu Sharma, Anthony D. Fontanini, Umesh Vaidya, Baskar Ganapathysubramanian, Transfer Operator Theoretic Framework for Monitoring Building Indoor Environment in Uncertain Operating Conditions, Proceedings of American Control Conference, 2018. Winner of Energy Systems Best Paper Award.
    Bowen Huang and U. Vaidya " Data driven approximation of transfer operators: Naturally structured dynamic mode decomposition, Proceedings of American Control Conference, 2018.


    A. Radaideh, U. Vaidya, and A. Venkataramana, Sequential Set-point Control for Heterogeneous Thermostatically Controlled Loads Through an Extended Markov Chain Abstraction, Accepted for publciation in IEEE Transacations on Power systems.
    A. Diwadkar and U. Vaidya, " Synchronization in large scale nonlinear network with uncertain links, Accepted for publication in Automatica.
    Sai Pushpak, Kevian Ebrahimi, and U. Vaidya, Primal-dual based distributed optimization over stochastic communication channels, Accepted for publication in Indian Control Conference, 2017.
    A. Fontanini, U. Vaidya, and B. Ganapathysubramanian, Contaminant transport at large Courant numbers using Markov matrices, Building and Environment, Vol. 112, 2017.
    U. Vaidya, Optimal motion planning using navigation measure, International Journal of Control, 2017.
    H. Sharma, A. Fontanini, U. Vaidya, and B. Ganapathysubramanian, Transfer operator based approach for opitmal sensor placement under uncertain operating conditions, Building simulation, 2017.
    S. Sinha, P. Sharma, U. Vaidya, and A. Venkatramana, Identifying causal interactions in power system: Information based approach, Accepted for publication in IEEE Control and Decision Conference, 2017.
    Sai Pushpak and U. Vaidya," Fragility of decentralized load-side frequency control with stochastic renewables, Accepted for publication in American Control Conference, Seattle WA, 2017.
    Apurba Kumar, A. Raghunathan, and U. Vaidya," Transfer operator based method for optimal stabilization of stochastic system, Accepted for publication in American Control Conference, Seattle WA, 2017.
    S. Dasgupta, and U. Vaidya, Dynamical system based approach for distributed particle vector machine, Accepted for publication in American Control Conference, Seattle WA, 2017.


    S. Sinha and U. Vaidya, On causality preserving measure for information transfer in control dynamical system, Accepted for publication in IEEE Control and Decision Conference, 2016.
    Chao Liu, Bowen Huang, Mo Zhao, Soumik Sarkar, Umesh Vaidya, and Anuj Sharma, Data Driven Exploration of Traffic Network System Dynamics using High Resolution Probe Data, Accepted for publication in IEEE Control and Decision Conference, 2016.
    A. Fontanini, U. Vaidy, and B. Ganapathysubramanian, " Quantifying mechanical ventilation performance: The connection between transport equations and Markov matrices, Buildings and Environment, Vol 104, pp: 253-262, 2016.
    B. Haung, S. Sinha and U. Vaidya, Information transfer and conformation change in network of coupled oscillators, Accepted for publication in IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, 2016.
    A. Diwadkar and U. Vaidya, "
    Limitations and tradeoff in synchronization of large scale networks with uncertain links, Scientific Reports (Nature Publication Group), 6, 21157, 2016.
    D. Asjes, A. Diwadkar, U. Vaidya, and A. Kelkar, " Development and System Analysis of a Two-Dimensional Rotational Freeplay Nonlinearity Model, Journal of Aircraft, Jan. 2016.
    A. Fontanini, U. Vaidy, and B. Ganapathysubramanian, " A Methodology for Optimal Placement of Sensors in Enclosed Environments: A Dynamical Systems Approach, Building and Environment, Vol 100, pp: 145-161, 2016.
    S. Sinha, U. Vaidya, and R. Rajaram, " Operator theoretic framework for optimal placement of actuators and sensors for control of nonequilibrium dynamics, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol 440, Issue 2, pp: 750-772, 2016.
    V. Chinde, L. Cao, U. Vaidya, and S. Laflamme, " Damage Detection on Mesosurfaces Using Distributed Sensor Network and Spectral Diffusion Maps, Measurement Science and Technology, Volume 27, Number 4, 2016.
    S. Pushpak and U. Vaidya, Control of Inter-Area Oscillation with Noise Corrputed Wide Area Measurement, Accepeted for publication in American Control Conference, Boston MA, 2016.
    U. Vaidya and S. Sinha, Information-Based Causal Measure for Influnece Characterization in Dynamical System With Applications, Accepeted for publication in American Control Conference, Boston MA, 2016. .
    A. Diwadkar and U. Vaidya, " Mean Square Synchronization in Continuous Time Stochastic Networks With Dissipitative Nonlinearity , Indian Control Conference.


    A. Fontanini, U. Vaidy, and B. Ganapathysubramanian, " Constructing Markov matrices for real-time transient contaminant transport analysis for indoor environments, Building and Environment, Volume 94, Part 1, December 2015, Pages 68–81.
    S. Sinha and U. Vaidya, " Formalism for information transfer in dynamic networks, IEEE Control and Decision Conference, Osaka Japan, 2015.
    U. Vaidya and V. Chinde, " Computation of Lyapunov measure for almost everywhere stochastic system, Proceedings of IEEE Control and Decision Conference, Osaka Japan, 2015.
    Sai Pushpak, A. Diwadkar, U. Vaidya, " Stochastic stability analysis and controller synthesis for continous time systems, Proceedigns of IEEE Control and Decision Conference, Osaka Japan, 2015.
    S. Dasgupta and U. Vaidya,Contingency analysis of power networks: System theoretic approach, Indian Control Conference, Chennai, India, 2015.
    S. Pushpak, A. Diwadkar and U. Vaidya, " Vulnerability analysis of power networks to stochastic link failure attacks, Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Hybrdi System: Computation and Control (CPS Week), 2015.
    U. Vaidya, " Stochastic stability analysis of discrete time system using Lyapunov measure, Proceedings of American Control Conference, 2015.
    V. Chinde, L. Cao , U. Vaidya, and S. Laflamme, " Spectral diffusion map approach for structural health monitoring of wind turbine blades, American Control Conference, Chicago IL, 2015.
    S. Dasgupta, M. Paramasivam, U. Vaidya, and A. Venkataramana,"PMU-based Model-Free Approach for Real-Time Rotor Angle Monitoring , IEEE Transactions of Power Systems, Vol. 30, No. 5, 2015.
    S. Dasgupta, M. Paramasivam, U. Vaidya, and A. Venkataramana, " Entropy-based characterization of delayed voltage recovery , IEEE Transactions on Power systems, Vol. 30, No. 5, 2015.
    M. Paramasivam, S. Dasgupta, A. Venkataramana, and U. Vaidya, " Contigency analysis and identification of dynamic voltage control areas, IEEE Transactions of Power Systems, Vol. 30, No. 6, 2015.
    A. Diwadkar , S. Dasgupta, and U. Vaidya, " Control of systems in lure form over uncertain channels , Accepted for publication in International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 25, No. 15, 2015.


    S. Pushpak, A. Diwadkar, M. Fardad, and U. Vaidya, Vulnerability analysis of coordinated attack in large scale dynamics networks. Australian Control Conference, Canberra Australia.
    A. Reddy, K. Ekmen, V. Ajjarapu, and U. Vaidya. PMU based Real-Time Short Term Voltage Stability Monitoring Analysis and Implementation on a Real-Time Test Bed. 2014 North American Power Symposium, Pullman Washington.
    M. Fardad, A. Diwadkar and U. Vaidya, " On sparse link removal for maximum performace degradation in dynamic networks, Proceedings of IEEE CDC, Los Angeles, CA 2014.
    A. Diwadkar and U. Vaidya, " Synchronization in complex network systems with uncertainty. Proceedings of IEEE CDC, Los Angeles CA, 2014.
    A. Diwadkar, S. Dasgupta, and U. Vaidya, " Stochastic positive real lemma and synchronization over uncertain networks , Proceedings of IEEE CDC, Los Angeles CA, 2014.
    A. Raghunathan and U. Vaidya, " Optimal stabilization using Lyapunov measure , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 59, Issue 5, 2014.
    A. Diwadkar and U. Vaidya, " Stabilization of LTV systems over uncertain channels , International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol 24, Issue 7, 2014
    R. Rajaram and U. Vaidya, Lyapunov density for coupled systems, Accepted for publication in Applicable Analysis, 2014.
    D. Asjes, A. Diwadkar, U. Vaidya, A. Kelkar, J. M. Vogel, Denny, " Modeling and Analysis of Rotational Freeplay Nonlinearity of a 2D Airfoil , Accepted for publication in American Control Conference, 2014.


    A. Fontanini, U. Vaidya, and B. Ganapathysubramanian, A stochastic approach to modeling the dynamics of natural ventilation systems , Energy and Building, Vol. 66, 2013.
    Jie Yan, Manimaran Govindarasu, Chen-Ching Liu, and Umesh Vaidya, A PMU-based Risk Assessment Framework for Power Control Systems, Proceedings of Power Energy Society General Meeting, 2013
    S. Sinha, U. Vaidya and R. Rajaram, Optimal placements of actuators and sensors for control of nonequilibrium dynamics, Proceedings of European Control Conference, 2013
    U. Vaidya and M. Fardad, On Optimal sensors placement for mitigation of vulnerabilities to cyber-attacks in large scale netowrks, Proceedings of Europeran Control Conference, 2013
    S. Dasgupta, M. Paramasivam, U. Vaidya, and A. Venkataramana, Real-time monitoring of short term voltage stability using PMU data, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 8, No. 4 2013.
    R. Rajaram and U. Vaidya, Robust stability analysis using Lyapunov density, International Journal of Control, Vol. 86, Issue 6, 2013.
    A. Diwadkar and U. Vaidya, " Limitations for nonlinear observation over erasure channels , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 58, Issue 2, 2013.


    S. Dasgupta and U. Vaidya, " Identification of critical interaction in uncertain network systems with complex dynamics, Proceedings of IEEE Control and Decision Conference, 2012
    U. Vaidya, R. Rajaram and S. Dasgupta, " Sensor and actuator placement in linear advection PDE with building systems application, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2012.
    U. Vaidya and I. Mezic, " Existence of invariant tori in three dimensional maps with degeneracy, Physica D, 2012.
    U. Vaidya and N. Elia, Stabilization of nonlinear sysems over packet drop links: Scalar Case, Systems and Control Letters, 2012
    A. Diwadkar, S. Dasgupta and U. Vaidya, Stabilization of systems in Lure form over uncertain channels, Proceedings of American Control Conference, 2012.
    C. E. Whitmer, A. G. Kelkar, J. M. Vogel, D. Chaussee, C. Ford, and U. Vaidya, Modeling and characterization of the impact of control surface free- play on fl utter for an all moving surface, Proceedings of American Control Conference, 2012.
    J. Yan, C.C. Liu, U. Vaidya, PMU-based rotor angle stability monitoring, Proceedings of Power and Energy Society General Meeting, San Diego, CA 2012.
    R. Rajaram and U. Vaidya, Robsut stability analysis using Lyapunov den- sity, Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, HI, 2012.
    S. Dasgupta, M. Paramasivam, U. Vaidya, and A. Venkataramana, PMU-based model-free approach for short term voltage stability monitoring, Proceedings of Power and Energy Society General Meeting, San Diego, CA 2012.


    J. Yan, C.C.Liu, adn U. Vaidya, PMU based monitoring of Rotor Angle Dynamics, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol 26, No. 4, pp. 2125-2133, 2011.
    U. Vaidya, R. Rajaram and S. Dasgupta, Gramian based approach for control and actuator placement in linear advection PDE, Proceedings of IEEE Control and Decision Conference, 2011
    A. Diwadkar and U. Vaidya, Synchronization in nonlinear network systems with link failure uncertainty, Proceedings of IEEE Control and Decision Conference, 2011


    R. Rajaram, U. Vaidya, M. Fardad, and B. Ganapathaysubramanian, Al- most Everywhere stability: Linear transfer operator approach, Journal of Mathematical analysis and applications, Vol 368, pp. 144-156, 2010.
    A. Diwadkar and U. Vaidya, Performance limitation for multi-agent estimation using limited sensor measurements ", Proceedings of IEEE Control and Decision Conference, 2010
    A. Diwadkar and U. Vaidya, Limitations for nonlinear observation over erasure channel", Proceedings of IEEE Control and Decision Conference, 2010
    U. Vaidya and E. Nicola, Limitations for nonlinear stabilization over erasure channel", Proceedings of IEEE Control and Decision Conference, 2010
    U. Vaidya and G. Hagen, Model reduction of dynamcial systems: Tangent space approach", Processdings of American Control Conference, 2010
    U. Vaidya, P.G. Mehta, and U. Shanbhag "Nonlinear stabilization via control Lyapunov measure", IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, Vol 55, pp. 1314-1328, 2010.


    Jie Yan, Cheng-Ching Liu, Umesh Vaidya, Dynamic security monitoring based on phasor measurement units, Poster session presented at: IEEE PES 2009 General Meeting; 2009 July 26-30; Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
    U. Vaidya, B. Ganapathayasubramanian and A. Raghunathan, Transfer operator method for contol of fluid flows, Proceedings of Control and Decision Conference 2009.


    U. Vaidya and P. G. Mehta, "Lyapunov measure for almost everywhere stability", IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, Vol. 53, No.1, pp 307-323, 2008.
    A. Ragunathan and U. Vaidya , "Optimal stabilization using Lyapunov measure", Proceedings of the 2008 American Control Conference, Seattle Washington USA, June 11-13 2008.
    G. Hagen and U. Vaidya, "An approach for nonlinear model extraction from time series data", Proceedings of the 2008 American Control Conference, Seattle Washington USA, June 11-13 2008.
    U. Vaidya and R. Bhattacharya " Motion planning using navigation measure", Proceedings of the 2008 American Control Conference, Seattle Washington USA, June 11-13 2008.


    U. Vaidya, "Converse theorem for almost everywhere stability using Lyapunov measure", Proceedings of the 2007 American Control Conference, New York.
    U. Vaidya, P.G. Mehta and U. Shanbag "Nonlinear stabilization via control Lyapunov measure", Proceedings of the 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, USA, December 12-14, 2007.
    R. Rajaram, U. Vaidya and M. Fardad, "Connection between almost everywhere stability and advection PDE", Proceedings of the 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, USA, December 12-14, 2007.
    U. Vaidya, "Observability gramian for nonlinear systems", Proceedings of the 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, USA, December 12-14, 2007.
    G. Mathew, I. Mezic, S. Grivolopoulos, U. Vaidya and L. Petzold, "Optimal control of mixing in stokes fluid flows", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol 580, pp 261-281, 2007.


    U. Vaidya, "Duality in Stability theory: Lyapunov function and Lyapunov measure", 44th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing 2006
    U. Vaidya and P.G. Mehta, "Computation of Lyapunov measure for almost everywhere stability", Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, USA, December 13-15, 2006.
    P. G. Mehta, U. Vaidya and A. Banaszuk, Markov chains, entropy and fundamental limitations in nonlinear stabilization, Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, USA, December 13-15, 2006.
    T. John, I. Mezic, U. Vaidya and M. Lelic, Low order modeling, dynamics and control of an inert gas based fire protection system, Proceedings of the 2006 American Control Conference, Minneapolis, MI.
    T. Alpcan, P. G. Mehta, T. Basar and U. Vaidya , Control of non-equilibrium dynamics in communication networks, Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, USA, December 13-15, 2006.


    U. Vaidya, G. Hagen and et.al, "Comparison of systems using diffusion maps", Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, Seville, Spain, December 12-15, 2005.
    P.G. Mehta and U. Vaidya, "On Stochastic analysis approach for comparing complex systems", Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, Seville, Spain, December 12-15, 2005.


    U. Vaidya and I. Mezic, "Controllability for a class of area preserving twist maps", Physica D, Volume 189, Pages 234-246, 2004


    U. Vaidya and I. Mezic, "Controllability for a class of discrete time Hamiltonian systems" Proceedings of the 42th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control Conference, Maui, Hawaii, USA December 12-15, 2003.
    U. Vaidya, D. Alessandro and I. Mezic, "Control of Heisenberg spin systems: Lie algebraic decomposition and action angle variables. " Proceedings of the 42th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control Conference, Maui, Hawaii, USA December 12-15, 2003.
    N. Ananthkrishnan, U. Vaidya and V. Walimbe, "Global stability analysis of axial compressor stall and surge phenomena using bifurcation", Proceeding of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, Volume 217, Number 3, Pages 279-286, 2003.


    U. Vaidya and I. Mezic, "Controllability of twist maps", Proceedings of American Control Conference, Anchorage, AK 2002


    U. Vaidya, R. Banavar and N.M. Singh, "Chaotic phenomena in damped power swing equation", Proceedings of Control and Decision Conference, Phoenix, Arizona 1999