I'm interested in all things data storage (e.g., file systems, non-volatile memories, key-value stores, data-intensive computing, data-centric infrastructures). I'm leading the Data Storage Lab where we play with the latest storage technologies and strive to advance the reliability, security, scalability, usability etc for data, for people, or just for fun.

Data Storage Lab

Our research are motivated by problems of mission-critical systems that jeopardize data, e.g.:

We build systems/tools to attack such problems and open source our research prototypes/datasets.

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Selected Publications

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Prospective Students

I'm always looking for self-motivated, intellectually-strong, & reliable students who are curious about how computer systems work and are interested in improving the design, implementation, evaluation, and application of various computer systems. Please check out our recent publications & projects and let me know if anything interests you. If you have experience in building systems, that's great! Let's talk and see if we have mutual interests. If you come from a different background, that's OK, too. I'm more than happy to pass my hands-on experience to you and help you grow and succeed, as long as you are hardworking, responsible, determined, and have the desire to become an expert in a challenging and high-impact area in the near future.

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  • ISU CprE563 Advanced Data Storage Systems [Spring'20, Spring'21, Spring'22, Spring'23]
  • ISU CprE308 Operating Systems [Fall'18, Fall'19, Fall'20, Fall'21, Spring'22, Fall'22, Spring'23]
  • ISU CprE588 Embedded Computer Systems [Spring'19]
  • NMSU CS479/579 Special Topics: Reliable Storage Systems [Fall'17]
  • NMSU CS479/579 Special Topics: Modern Storage Systems: Flash, Cloud, & Beyond [Spring'16]
  • NMSU CS574 Operating Systems II [Spring'17, Spring'18]
  • NMSU CS474 Operating Systems I [Fall'15, Fall'16]
  • NMSU CS573 Computer Architecture II [Fall'17]
  • NMSU CS473 Computer Architecture I [Spring'18]
  • NMSU CS491/521 Parallel Programming [Fall'16]
  • OSU CSE4251 The UNIX Programming Environment [Fall'14, Spring'15]

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  • [03/2025] Serving on ERC of USENIX ATC'25!

  • [01/2025] Serving on PC of PERMAVOST at HPDC'25! Pls consider submitting your exciting work!

  • [12/2024] One paper on metadata corruptions accepted to IPDPS'25!
    Thank the reviewers for constructive feedback!

  • [12/2024] Serving as Sponsorship Co-Chair for HotStorage'25! Pls consider sponsoring this exciting event! [Sponsorship levels]

  • [09/2024] Serving on PC of ICDCS'25! Pls consider submitting your exciting work!

  • [05/2024] Serving on PC of REX-IO'24 at CLUSTER'24! Pls consider submitting your exciting work!

  • [05/2024] Serving on PC of PDSW'24 at SC'24! Pls consider submitting your exciting work!

  • [05/2024] One paper to appear in HotStorage'24!
    Thank the reviewers for constructive feedback!

  • [03/2024] Chairing the Poster Committee of MSST'24! Pls consider submitting your exciting work!

  • [02/2024] One paper to appear in IEEE TPDS!
    Thank the reviewers for constructive feedback!

  • [11/2023] Serving on Artifact Evaluation Committee of FAST'24! Pls consider submitting your artifact!

  • [10/2023] Serving on Research/ACM SRC Posters Committee of SC'24! Pls consider submitting your exciting work!

  • [10/2023] Serving on PC of
    SYSTOR'24! Pls consider submitting your exciting work!

  • [09/2023] Welcome to
    ARA Public Launch Program for ARA Platform!